One story, three generations

The Bardelli S.p.A. Group, until the end of 2021 Altaeco S.p.A., was founded in 1962 in Bareggio and was transferred in 1965 to the headquarters in Vittuone in the province of Milan and then consolidated and structured in the offices of Cerrione, in the province of Biella and Oderzo, in province of Treviso.

The company currently has around 170 collaborators between the headquarters and the two production units. The two production units are custodians of a historical tradition, technical expertise, operational know-how and leading aesthetic creativity.

The Group generates 40% of its turnover on the national market, while international markets represent over 60% of its total turnover in over 70 countries around the world.

1873 Appiani Foundation
1961 Bardelli Ceramica Foundation
1978 Ceramica Vogue Foundation

Since 1960

The art of passing down your know-how between generations

The history of the Bardelli Group and the companies that compose it starts from afar. Even before the birth of the parent company, the Appiani company was founded in Treviso in 1873 and started producing colored tiles in 1910 until, after the Second World War, it offered the famous “Gres” on the market. red”. But already in 1939 the activity of Gabbianelli Ceramiche d’Arte had begun in Milan, which saw the creation of the hand decoration department in 1968.

In 1962, Arnaldo Bardelli founded Ceramica Bardelli and only three years later he was able to build the historic Vittuone factory.

The Seventies saw strong competition on the market between Appiani, Gabbianelli and Bardelli, while the scenario was further enriched with the foundation of Ceramica Vogue in Biella in 1978.

1982 saw the entry into the company of Arnaldo’s three sons, the second generation of the family. Years of profound market restructuring and marked changes in the scenario followed, which led to a new configuration of the Group. In 1992 Bardelli acquired the ICR Group (Appiani) and in 1996 the Gabbianelli-Vogue group and the Florentine Vicano.

The year 2000 saw the conclusion of a production rationalization process at three factories, while Bardelli spa became the Altaeco Group. It is with a profoundly renewed team that the Ceramica Bardelli brand can celebrate its first fifty years in 2012 and 2022 will celebrate its 60th anniversary.

2015 sees the entry of the third Bardelli generation into the company, a prelude to new initiatives and a new Group vision always with a strong reference to the history and values of the family.

As grandfather Arnaldo stated in 1965 when asked:

Why did you call La Gres Ceramica Ceramica Bardelli?”

his response, in ironic tones and in Milanese dialect was

“I call Bardelli and I call Bardelli”

(My name is Bardelli and I called her Bardelli)

Rediscovering Arnaldo’s words, in 2020 the decision to rename the company from Altaeco S.p.A. to Gruppo Bardelli S.p.A to underline the family’s constant commitment to leading a highly consolidated industrial group by giving space to the entry of the third generation, the family thus becomes a promoter of innovation and change to thus keep pace with a new modern market.

Today the Bardelli S.p.a Group is a reference business in the world for the production of ceramic coverings and ceramic mosaics.


Knight Graziano Appiani establishes Appiani Ceramica in Treviso


Appiani launches the production of colored mosaics


Engineer Gabbianelli founded the Ceramica of the same name in Cusano Milanino (MI)


After the Second World War, Appiani began producing the famous Red Porcelain Stoneware


Arnaldo Bardelli establishes Gres Ceramica S.a.S. in Bareggio, in the province of Milan



Arnaldo Bardelli built the first factory in Vittuone (MI) starting industrial production: the company was renamed Ceramica Bardelli S.p.a.


Gabbianelli creates the hand decoration department


A group of Piedmontese entrepreneurs founded Ceramica Vogue


Arnaldo Bardelli’s three sons join the company


Important technological step: transition from slow cycle oven to rapid cycle oven



Bardelli acquires ICR Ceramiche Riunite Industries (including Appiani)


Bardelli acquires three companies: the Gabbianelli-Vogue group and Vicano Firenze


After a long process of production and commercial rationalization (from 6 to 3 factories), Ceramica Bardelli S.p.a. becomes Gruppo Altaeco S.p.a.


Entry into the company of the Third Generation


Bardelli S.p.A. Group 60th Anniversary and Renamed

To the future

The concept of family is the basis of the Bardelli Group’s corporate philosophy and expresses all the values of three generations of entrepreneurs who have developed a vast and complex know-how that is expressed through the winning formula of the Group’s companies.

The objective of the strategic development plan is to enhance research skills in a context of innovation, reliability, sustainability with a consultancy-based customer service approach, while offering, at the same time, a catalog capable of satisfying every project need and design with excellent customization results and with small and medium format collections for interiors and exteriors, which are synonymous with perfect harmony between functionality and aesthetics and which are characterized by a high decorative component in terms of colours, patterns and formats.

The Bardelli Group addresses retail and distributors, interior designers and architects, also enhancing the approach to the final consumer, who today is certainly informed and competent on the subject and willing to invest in a unique and distinctive product. This objective applies both to residential, with particular regard to private homes, and to high-level hospitality (boutique hotels, restaurants and clubs).

With a targeted and structured strategy on the functionality of the product and the service, together with the ability to propose typical of trend leaders, the Bardelli Group, in its various souls (Ceramica Bardelli, Ceramica Vogue, Appiani), aims to present itself as the Italian ceramic par excellence in the design segment, interpreting and anticipating the most up-to-date trends in modern living in a dynamic and innovative way.